What To Bring For Your Tax Appointment

Getting organized to prepare for your tax appointment can save you a ton of time, and is well worth the effort.

If it’s just after tax season, this list will help you know what documents to keep an eye out for throughout the year and set aside. If your tax appointment is right around the corner, this list is a great resource to help you track down the right documents.

With all of the changes every year (and, of course, that’s especially true THIS year), filing your taxes on your own is not for the faint of heart. That’s even with nice-looking softwares on the market which purport to make it easy for you.

But that’s what we’re here for.

Let us be your easy button in California.

Filing your taxes on your own is not for the faint of heart. That’s even with nice-looking softwares on the market which purport to make it easy for you.

But that’s what we’re here for. Let *us* make it easy for you.

Below is a list of what you will need during the tax preparation process. Not all of them will apply to you — probably MOST will not. Nonetheless, it’s a useful checklist.

Before you get overwhelmed: yes, this is a long list — but it’s the unfortunate reality of our tax code that it’s not even comprehensive! But these items will cover 95% of our clients. Really, this is for ensuring that we’re able to help you keep every dollar you can keep under our tax code.

Also note: Certain deductions went away this year, that we’re used to handling on behalf of our clients. And some that you might be used to as well. This list has changed a little, and I’ve notated additional changes coming down the pike.

But again … we will be your guide. That’s what we’re here for.

Even if for some strange reason you won’t be using our cost-effective services this year, feel free to use this list as a handy guide…

Tax Preparation Checklist

We’re here to help

Let us know if you have any questions.… Fill in the form below, call at (760) 873-5800 or Email Us.

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    Maecenas porttitor feugiat sem non euismod. Integer placerat faucibus est eget convallis. Morbi faucibus lorem non neque condimentum, sed venenatis neque sagittis. Aliquam vulputate hendrerit erat non hendrerit. Maecenas sollicitudin quam a dolor aliquet commodo. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus quam velit, pretium fringilla lorem id, fringilla sagittis quam. Pellentesque eget ante non quam iaculis posuere. Integer justo nisl, porta at viverra eu, varius nec ante. Nam sollicitudin vestibulum orci at feugiat.

    I am very satisfied

    Robert M.

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    Genuinely cares

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