Accounting Done For You and Made Easy
Don’t Waste Your Valuable Time on Bookkeeping and Finances… Give Yourself Time to Do What You Do Best – Go Out and Get More Clients!
The successful small business owner knows to spend more time on work means generating more profit. Leave the tedious, time-consuming job of bookkeeping and accounting to the professionals!
Monthly or quarterly, depending on the size of your business and your specific needs, we will take care of the following accounting and bookkeeping services, which benefit your business in the following ways…
- bank reconciliation…
- identify lost checks, lost deposits, or unauthorized wire transfers.
- detect and prevent embezzlement of funds from within your business.
- track your business growth and manage your cash effectively.
- protect yourself from bank errors, fraudulent checks, and other financial crimes directed toward your business.
- income statements…
- we will provide you with regular profit / loss statements that will help you track the operating costs of your business.
- understand what areas of your business are over / under budget and identify the specific areas that need attention to keep your business profiting.
- track increases in product sales or returns as a percentage of your sales.
- determine your current tax liability.
- balance sheets…
- gives you a snapshot of the financial health of your business at any given point of time.
- identify and analyze trends in receiving and payables and take prompt action to keep those trends going in a direction beneficial to your company.
- balance sheets, along with income statements, are the single most important elements for reporting to potential lenders and investors.
- general ledger management
- we can help you set up a general ledger system, or identify problems with your current ledger system, that will allow you to eliminate discrepancies and maintain accurate records for your business.
- unlimited consultations.
We can also customize our service to you by adding…
- payroll management.
- tax planning and preparation.
- any number of a wide variety of financial services that would benefit your business.
Ready to come in for an appointment?
Our schedule is very full…but if you call us at (760) 873-5800 or email us we’ll give you two options for coming in right away! We will NOT make dealing with a tax professional as painful as it’s been in the past!
What our Clients are saying
Maecenas porttitor feugiat sem non euismod. Integer placerat faucibus est eget convallis. Morbi faucibus lorem non neque condimentum, sed venenatis neque sagittis. Aliquam vulputate hendrerit erat non hendrerit. Maecenas sollicitudin quam a dolor aliquet commodo. Suspendisse potenti. Vivamus quam velit, pretium fringilla lorem id, fringilla sagittis quam. Pellentesque eget ante non quam iaculis posuere. Integer justo nisl, porta at viverra eu, varius nec ante. Nam sollicitudin vestibulum orci at feugiat.
I am very satisfiedPhasellus lacinia urna volutpat diam finibus, id sagittis lorem euismod. Aenean mattis quam eleifend, viverra elit cursus, molestie libero. Suspendisse et molestie massa. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas iaculis volutpat pulvinar. Maecenas et lectus ut nisl rutrum accumsan. Praesent lacinia urna posuere gravida volutpat. Aenean vel pulvinar justo, a fermentum ante.
Genuinely cares